Nearly three whole months ago, the lovely Kaelah at Rohrstock-Palast was kind enough to mention this blog and its owner - hey, that's me! - as part of her contribution to the Versatile Bloggers meme. The idea of the meme is that you reveal seven little-known facts about yourself, and also nominate fifteen other blogs that impress you. Now, I'm not sure how quickly you're supposed to respond to these things, but I suspect that after three months the moment has probably passed. However since I did start to write a post at that time, and since I do need a little February filler, I thought I'd share my seven bits of Underling trivia regardless.
1. I'm a chronic insomniac and all-round night owl, and much of my drawing and writing happens at stupid o'clock. Going to bed is one of my least favourite things to do - I can easily stay up for 36 hours at a time.
2. As a kid, I used to watch Wonder Woman on TV. Even though I thought the show itself was girly rubbish, I was transfixed by the combined power of Lynda Carter's golden lasso and spangly blue hotpants. Another early crush was Lindsay Wagner, aka Jaime Sommers, aka The Bionic Woman. As a bonus, Ms Sommers was a teacher - I used to fantasise about her keeping me after class and bending me over that bionic lap. Wow, imagine a spanking from a bionic woman. That has to hurt!
3. I don't actually have any transvestite leanings, and yet I own several items of women's clothing. I've worn them all at various times as a reference for drawing. So, at the risk of puncturing any fantasies - you know those stern, hot women that populate my pictures? Every so often, that's me in a padded bra and a frock.
4. I'm musical, writing and recording songs by myself and with friends. If I ever get around to producing a full-length animation, it'll have an Underling score.
5. For my first 'proper' adult spanking, I put myself in the hands (and over the knee) of a professional - the rather wonderful Miss Shanelle. This will be news to her, since at the time I hadn't yet started blogging. Subsequently the job of warming the Underling fundament fell to enthusiastic amateurs - but you never forget your first time, and I'm glad I chose such a likeable and understanding disciplinarian. Shan, if you're reading this - thank you!
6. Since starting this blog, I've actually been spanked twice by men. And I liked it. I doubt I'd do it again, but then I'm in no hurry to be spanked again at all. Because...
7. ...finally, but perhaps most importantly - insert deep breath here - in recent weeks I've discovered the joy of The Dark Side. That's right - I have had a lovely lady across my lap, on more than one occasion. And you know what? It's wonderful. K, if you read this - thank you for showing me what I was missing. Everyone else, don't worry - I'm not about to abandon the blog for good. I love F/M art and stories, and I always will. But going forward, expect the tables to be turned every now and again!
Now You See Me...
1 day ago