'And the Triple Word Score makes it thirty-three,' said Peter,
nudging the last of his letter tiles into place.
'Funny,' mused Alan from the other side of the table as he
studied the playing board. 'When I was at school, zero was zero
whether you tripled it or not.'
'When you were at school multiplication hadn't been
invented,' retorted Pete, despite the fact that at forty-two he
was barely three years younger than the other man. 'In any
case,' he continued with exaggerated patience, 'I'm not
tripling zero. I'm tripling eleven.' He tapped each letter in
turn. 'Three, four, eight, nine, eleven.'
'I can see the numbers,' said Alan, 'and I can see the letters.
What I'm not seeing is any English word that exists outside of
your wishful thinking.'
'Let it go, Alan,' said his fiancée Lucy - lightly, but with
just a hint of warning in her tone. Although she enjoyed having
her friend Jenny visit, the childish sniping between their
menfolk was always wearing and tonight it had reached fever
pitch.'We don't have a dictionary to hand, so you boys are just
going to have to play nicely and give one another the benefit
of the doubt - for once. Which would be a welcome change,
wouldn't it Jen?'
'A welcome change and a bloody miracle,' replied her friend
wearily. 'I don't know that word either though, Pete. You sure
it doesn't have an A after the O?'
Her husband scowled.
'Jesus, Jenny. Whose side are you on?'
'Mine, sweetie. Last time I checked, this wasn't a team game -
if you're losing then it's all your own work. And if you're
going to sulk about it, then we'll be having a little
discussion regarding that when we get home.'
Peter's mouth opened but then shut again, and he coloured
visibly. A moment later he reached out to retrieve two of his
letter tiles and closed the gap to form a shorter
Alan studied his rival's offering with a smirk of derision.
'C-O-N, con - how appropriate - and worth a frankly
underwhelming six.' He retrieved the pencil from the
centre of the table and neatly wrote the figure under Peter's
name, overscoring it several times for emphasis. 'Not exactly a
winning word, ladies and gentleman - but at least this time he
had some kind of a clue how to spell it.'
'Here's a clue for you,' muttered Peter evenly, as he reached
for the bag to replenish his pieces but found it empty. 'This
one's two words. Starts with 'f' and ends in 'uck
For a moment nobody spoke. Then 'Enough,' said Jenny, pushing
her chair back from the table and turning to her friend. 'Lucy,
honey, do you have somewhere private I can take my husband for
a few minutes?'
Peter blanched. 'Ok, sweetheart,' he said quickly, his hands
raised in a gesture of supplication. 'Forget I said that. I
take it back.'
Jenny placed her own palms flat on the tabletop and bent so
that her face was level with his. 'I'm not your sweetheart
right now, and you're certainly not mine. And it's a little
late for you to be taking anything back, but just exactly the
right time for me to be taking something down. Lucy, sorry to
be a nuisance...'
'Not at all,' said her friend with a small shake of her head
that made her pony tail bounce. 'You can use our bedroom,
second on the right. There's a straight-backed chair in the
corner that tends to come out when necessary.'
'Ooh, that sounds perfect. And I don't suppose you have
'Top drawer of the dressing table,' said Lucy. 'Always close to
hand.' She laced her fingers beneath her chin, rested her bare
elbows on the table and cocked an eyebrow at Alan. 'Isn't it,
young man? Needed it quite a lot lately yourself, haven't
Alan, apparently absorbed, slid his letter tiles carefully from
side to side while he studied the tabletop. 'Mm-hmm,' he
'Speaking of which,' said Jenny, 'I believe it's your turn to
play, Luce. And you can take your time. There'll be no rush.'
She reached over and used two fingers to issue a brisk tap to
the back of Peter's wrist. 'Follow me, mister,' she said.
Turning on her heel, she strode purposefully from the room.
Peter sat frozen for a moment until Lucy caught his eye. 'Off
you go, little boy, and get your medicine,' she chided, and he
reluctantly stood and made his way out. Moments later there was the sound of
the bedroom door closing softly behind him.
For almost five minutes Lucy sat studying and rearranging her
letters while her fiancée fidgeted in his seat and their guests
were occupied down the hall. One might have expected the noise
issuing from the couple's bedroom - the lengthy scolding, the
muted apologies and the eventual rhythmic thwop of
hairbrush against bare skin - to spoil her concentration. Yet
it only seemed to inspire her. A small, amused smile played
across her lips whenever the brush found a spot that produced a
muffled yelp from the other room. 'Con,' she half-sang under
her breath as she considered her move. 'Con, con, con...'
Finally she sighed happily and began to transfer her tiles to
the board, appending them to the three that the luckless Peter
had already put down. 'T - R - I - T - I - O - N,' she recited.
'That makes twelve altogether, plus the fifty point bonus for
using all of my letters at once.' She sat back and regarded
Alan with a satisfied expression. 'Bingo,' she said.
A few moments later their friends reappeared, Jenny with a
contented glow and Peter looking red-faced and flustered. His
arms were held stiffly at his side and his fingers waggled
involuntarily as though he were fighting the urge to rub his
behind. He spent an agonised few seconds lowering himself back
onto his chair.
Retaking her own seat, Jenny looked over the board. 'Ooh, you
are a clever old thing, Lucy. That's a great word.'
'Glad you think so,' smiled the other woman. 'It's one of my
favourites.' She turned to her fiancée, who seemed to be taking
surprisingly little pleasure in the other man's discomfort.
'Your turn, Alan,' she said.
'But the game's over,' he replied a little uncertainly. 'You've
'Oh, I'm not talking about the game,' said Lucy.
'I had a hunch,' chuckled Jenny, 'so I've left everything out
for you.'
'Thanks, Jen,' replied her friend with a wink. 'The only
question is - shall I make coffee now, or after we come back? I
have a feeling we may be some time.'
Now You See Me...
1 day ago