Well, what do you know? I opened up the blog yesterday morning
to be confronted by the Big Kahuna of hit counts - the magic
million! By way of a thank you to everyone who's helped rack up
all those page views - and alright, to give me a bit of a boost
towards the next milestone - I thought we could have a little
retrospective of some of my personal favourite, and not-so-
favourite, posts of the last (nearly) three years. Ready to
follow a few links? Then let's go...
Rear Window
I'm really rather proud of the animation in this post (all the
more so because it's interactive). We'll gloss over the fact
that I promised to extend it to include the actual spanking and
I haven't done it yet. I will at some point - no, really! I
remember spending half the night and most of the following day
desperately trying to get this finished in time. It's amazing
what a LOL day deadline and ten cups of strong coffee can do
for productivity. Of course I was very late into work as a
result, but we'll gloss over that too. I've more than made up
for it since.
The Magnificent Seven
I think this may still be the picture I consider my most
successful, even though there have been many that were more
ambitious. I was really pleased with her pose as she turns to
pick up the brush, and I liked the eroticism of his arm being
held fast between her thighs. I also enjoy its simplicity -
it's a challenge to add enough background detail without
cluttering things up, and I've got it wrong sometimes. This picture was the result of a series of
polls in which visitors voted for the different elements.
Hopefully the final result was cohesive enough that it doesn't
The Humbler Games
My first (and so far only) spanking game was a big hit, and
again I was really happy with the way it turned out even though
its production was a nightmare. The deliberately pixellated
style was a lot of work, and there's a whole heap of messed-up
Flash code behind it that would make any self-respecting
programmer throw up his or her hands in horror. I hope I never
have to touch it again! Typically for me, I'd left things too
late to quite hit my target date, which would have been
during the Olympics - but I think the Games were still
sufficiently fresh in the public consciousness that I was able
to get away with it. One disappointment was that my dreadfully
punning athletes' names didn't generate many comments. Yves N
Ardere - that was my favourite. ;)
Something Old, Something
Commissions are always a double-edged sword. It's great to be
asked to produce something that matches someone's fantasy - and
it's also horrible to have to try and meet their expectations.
Here's one I did for QBuzz's wedding - luckily, he loved it!
Most of the ideas in it are his - only the arrangement of those
ideas and the actual drawing are mine. Q now has his own blog, by the
way. Check it out if you haven't already!
Dinner And A Show
Dinner And A Show got its title from a comment made by
one of my visitors, Shannon, on another post. I liked the way I
told the story (part one is somewhere around too), but like
many of my tales I think it turned some people off because of
the excessively cruel female characters. I'm gradually learning
to rein that in somewhat, and I think my latest work is the
better for depicting ladies who are loving disciplinarians
rather than outright man-hating sadists! I was super-pleased
with the animated version of the picture, though (at the bottom
of the post). It's more realistic than my usual efforts, and
there's something about a woman rubbing herself through her
panties... or maybe that's just me. Whatever, it makes my toes
curl - and apparently hers too!
Step Right In
This one is mainly for those 'special girls' and sissies
who make up quite a few of the blog's members. I don't
personally wear panties for pleasure, but I can understand the
fantasy appeal of being forced to do so by a group of rowdy
females. My real-life cross-dressing activity is limited to
modelling women's clothes as a reference for my drawings, but
as a result I have done rather a lot of it. In fact, scary as
it may sound there's a little bit of me in each of the four
ladies in that picture!
Red Butts
When it comes to seasonal posts I have to mention this one if
only for the title, but I think she's kind of cute too. Panties
and a Santa hat - what's not to like?
To Have And To Scold
I'm kind of a fan of the picture here as well, because
sometimes the simplest ideas are the best. Mind you, with the
length of time it took me to render that virtual cross-
stitching I think it might have been quicker if I'd embroidered
the damned thing in real life and taken a photo.
Another World
Speaking of photos, there's only one on the whole of the blog -
and even that in reality is just a scan of a sheet of newspaper
that I then used as a background for a couple of spoof OSIRIS
job adverts. It made me chuckle when I realised I could draw
the usual Underling logo in the style of a biro doodle. These
are the things that make me go 'Yeeessss!'
Caught Peeping
Caught Peeping featured a well-received drawing that I'd almost
forgotten about until I started writing this. I think I made a
decent fist of the sunlight and shadow, and let's face it -
interesting lighting isn't my strong point in general. I must
try to be a little bolder on that score. Quite why the woman
has her bra on show isn't made clear except that, well, it's a
nice bra.
Clearing Out My Closet
This was one of my first posts but is still, after all this
time, among the most viewed. I think it must be something to do
with the search terms appealing to Google, and it's a bit of an
embarrassment to me because the Office Discipline
picture now looks very crude to me. It's a nice enough fantasy
- it's just that the drawing is a bit crappy!
If you've managed to make it this far without getting bored, I
hope you enjoyed it. And thank you everyone, sincerely, for the
visits. It was a bit of a thrill to see all those zeroes, and I
appreciate every one of those million little clicks!
Now You See Me...
1 day ago