Or actually, the mid-forties lady, in the bedroom, with the hairbrush.
All this polling malarkey over the last couple of weeks has been a good way for me to make lots of posts without actually doing any work - but now the voting is over, and I have to make good and come up with my resulting Frankenstein's Monster of a picture. I will try to stitch the parts together without the joins being too obvious!
It's going to take a while and I have other drawings nearer completion, so it probably won't be the next thing I post. But I'll let you know when it's ready.
Meanwhile it's probably worth summing up the results, because I think they're fascinating. There's been a lot of vying for position in some of the categories, while others have had clear leaders from the start.
In terms of implements, the brush - which I hope you all took to mean 'hairbrush' rather than, say, 'toothbrush' - proved hugely popular. I'm not suprised by this since I think it's the ultimate F/M implement - inherently feminine, equally good at driving out tangles and bad behaviour, and capable of delivering a wicked sting. Next up, but a long way behind, was the good old paddle. Nice to see that everything got at least one vote, and apologies again that I forgot to include the hand - I'm sure that would have had a lot of support.
For dress, you generally like your extremes. Although a fair few people wanted the lady to take at least something off, most of you thought she should be fully clothed. Less ambiguity when it comes to her victim - a huge majority want him bare naked, but with enough votes for underwear that I'll bear that in mind for a future pic. I didn't word this poll too well, but I'm going to assume that those clamouring for nudity won't mind a bit of clothing so long as it's pulled well down - especially since there was some specific mention of that in the comments.
Moving onto ages, it looked for a while as though you wanted the lady to be a little older - but this has gradually flattened out. For the men, it's striking what an even spread of votes we have. There's actually a dead heat between the two most popular age ranges, so I'll just have to choose one. I was pleased to see a few votes for sixties and seventies, since I'm sure many visitors are in those age groups - and 'silver spankos' are not well represented in artwork.
Thank you again for all the votes, and keep an eye out for the finished product!
Now You See Me...
1 day ago