Then I'll tell you a story that I wrote a while back to accompany this picture (yes, that picture again!)
It's not new to the web, but I hope it is to some of you....
Even before the wedding, there had been signs. Jim already knew that Alice's delicate looks disguised a strong-willed, no-nonsense fiancee - she'd been raised that way by her mother Harriet, whose own husband had died soon after Alice was born. And it was typical of the older woman that she'd stood up to make a speech at the reception dinner, delighting the guests by declaring that she was "not losing a daughter, but gaining a son - and a seriously spankable one at that!"
Two months later, with Jim on a short leash and Harriet Beyer a frequent occupant of the couple's spare room, the young husband made his first serious mistake. Having overrun his curfew by several hours, he had hoped to creep into the house and slip into bed beside his sleeping wife - but Harriet had been waiting for him at the top of the stairs.
The ensuing lecture brought a bleary-eyed Alice to the bedroom door. In one hand she held the alarm clock from the bedside table: in the other was the heavy, polished walnut hairbrush that Jim recognised as a gift from her mother, famously handed down through generations of the family's women.
"What time is it, Jim?", Alice purred with a dangerous smile, directing the clock face towards his as if daring him to deny his guilt.
"Um. It's ten to four, sweetheart. I got..."
" what is it time FOR... SWEETHEART?"
Harriet Beyer provided the answer to that one: "A little lesson in responsibility, I think."
The three of them filed back into the bedroom, Harriet pressing rather too close behind her son-in-law as though to discourage any thoughts of escape - "in my own damned house", thought Jim bitterly, although he made no attempt to resist. He saw that Alice had already dragged the big round pouffe from its usual place under the dressing table to the foot of the bed. Now she made herself comfortable upon it, and in spite of himself Jim felt a twinge of arousal as the thin yellow nightdress rode up her spreading thighs. If she was aware of this distraction, Alice did not acknowledge it. "Shoes. Socks. Jeans. Right now."
His face burning, Jim removed each item in turn under the unabashed gaze of both women. Then he stood before them shifting his feet, his hands fluttering vaguely in front of his crotch.
"I think we'll have those off too", said Harriet matter-of-factly. Jim stared at her dumbly for a moment. "Your UNDERPANTS, little man; I'll take care of them for you. When we're done here you can ask me nicely for them back, and if I think you're sorry enough then maybe I'll let you have them." Jim shot a pleading look at his wife, but got only a smirk of approval in response. With a strange sense of detachment, he slid his briefs down and off, and placed them in Harriet's outstretched hand.
"Now that", said Alice, almost merrily, "looks like a young man ready for his spanking. Over you go."
As Jim lowered himself awkwardly across the soft, warm lap of his beautiful wife, he felt more miserable than at any other time he could remember. If only he'd come home early. He should have been pressed up against Alice in bed right now, instead of draped half naked and humiliated across her knee with the gloating Harriet looking on and offering direction: "Further forward, Jiminy, and up on your tippy toes. I think you've done enough backsliding today already, don't you? Let's have that bare little bottom nice and high - a lady can't blister what she can't see. Alice, shall I position him properly?" And to his horror Jim felt firm hands groping beneath his hips, uncomfortably close to his groin, as he was guided into place.
"There", said Harriet, stepping back to admire the scene. "That's the perfect position for any man who needs to learn respect for a woman."
"If you're quite done, mother", Alice smiled with mock impatience, "may I discipline my husband now? I'm itching to put this hairbrush to use."
"Just one second more, darling", replied Harriet, re-positioning herself at Jim's head and firmly gripping his chin to lift his face towards hers. "If you don't mind, I think I'd like to watch the lesson sinking in."
And so, for ten long minutes the disgraced husband was forced to look into his mother-in-law's shining eyes while the hot bite of the hairbrush made him gasp and twitch and squirm. For her part, Alice loved Jim dearly - but did not, and never would, hold back from delivering a full-force spanking to remind him of his place in the world. She continued to pepper the reddening skin, laying bruise upon bruise, long after Jim's tears had begun to run down his face and over her mother's hand.
Jim did not get his underwear back that night. Once Alice had become tired and returned to bed alone, Harriet had escorted him back to her own room - "for a nice intimate chat, just the two of us" - where he would learn that his wife, despite being a formidable disciplinarian, was not the most severe of the Beyer women. Harriet had firmly shut the door behind them, and sat upon the bed coolly regarding the fidgeting young man as he tried in vain to stretch the hem of his t-shirt low enough to recover some dignity. "I don't need to tell you how proud I am of my little girl. She's grown into a proper Beyer wife. But still, she doesn't have QUITE the stamina yet to deliver the kind of incentive you so obviously need, and I'm going to start addressing that now." She eyed him patiently until his gaze met hers. "Oh, and let's not have any distractions. Take off that shirt."
Moments later, a fully naked Jim was bottom up across Harriet's lap on the guest bed, and the antique hairbrush was back at work with even greater vigour than before. The older woman showed no sympathy or concern for the already ravaged state of his bottom - in fact, she seemed to relish the bucking and squealing that the brush produced when it found a particularly tender spot. "Oh, is that super-sore, little boy? Then perhaps another... few.... swats.... right... there!"
The punishment continued for a good quarter hour before Jim was allowed a brief respite. "Perhaps I shouldn't have taken that afternoon nap", mused Harriet, who had paused to trace a fingernail across her son-in-law's scorched behind, "because now I don't feel the least bit sleepy." Jim only groaned into the tear-soaked pillow gripped between his teeth - Harriet had warned him against any yelling that might reawaken his wife. He tensed as the probing finger stroked inside his upper thigh and then followed a path back up between his swollen, trembling cheeks. "Alice and I had quite a chat while you were out for so many hours, young man. It's becoming clear that you can't be trusted by yourself, so I've offered to move in here while she's on that business trip next month."
Jim's anguished expletive was deadened by the pillow, but made Harriet smile mildly.
"I KNEW you'd be pleased. Won't it be fun playing house for two weeks, just you and I? We are going to get to know each other much, much better; you can depend on that. I'm afraid you're going to have to cancel any plans you might have had outside of work - you're going to be spending your evenings and weekends either completing the chores that Alice tells me you've been neglecting, or right here across my knee learning to be the husband my daughter deserves. Alice's father, rest his soul, was twice the man you are - but even so, he was no stranger to the business side of the brush. David's discipline was the key to a loving, happy marriage and you can count on Alice to do the same for yours. Still", mused the older woman, "that's for the future. Right now", she said, once more picking up the hairbrush, "we have the rest of the night ahead of us." Briefly, she stroked the back of the brush in circles over Jim's bottom, and the cool touch of the wood was almost soothing - but she soon tired of this tease, and again raised the wicked implement above her head.
Across the landing, Alice smiled in her sleep as a muffled, rhythmic tattoo gently invaded her dreams. The soothing beat seemed to signal that all was well with the world: and it went on, and on, and on, carrying her towards the new day.
Spanko Brunch 2.0 #581
20 hours ago
When a daughter learns from her Mother, then the spanking will be properly delelived. I in r/l have felt the stinging hand of my mother in law on a few occassions, my wife knows how to warm my bottom, but this older women knows how to make it last long afterwards. I also to my surprise felt no shame when my mother in law bares my bottom, I feel much like a naughty little boy and accept what is about to happen to my poor bare bottom.
ReplyDeleteWOW!! This is a HOT little story indeed!!! I've always liked the idea of being spanked by an older woman. I do hope that you continue the tale. I'm wondering what's going to happen next!
ReplyDeleteIt's clear form the story that Helen is older than Jim, but by how much? Just suppose Alice is 20 and Jim is 27, then Helen could still be a young woman at 38. Now I ask you this. Helen has Jim totally naked and over her knee for a very severe spanking. It' just possible that she's getting aroused. Then you have Jim, yes he's in pain and yes he's got a very sore behind, but Helen is probing between his swollen cheeks. I can only speak for myself of course, but once a lady's fingers get in between my cheeks, even if they are bruised and throbbing, it's boner time for me!
I'm just saying that it is possible that we could have two very horny people with healthy libidos, one of them already naked and in total submission to the other. Think of the possibilities!!
Thanks for the great story and the great blog..........JayJay
I am 21 and mummy is 43. Erections do happen over mummies knee, but they do not last long as she uses her hairbrush even longer.
DeleteWow! Great story which went with a terrific drawing--I love the mother-in-law looking straight into the husband's eyes while he's OTK getting his bare behind walloped via his wife and her hairbrush.
ReplyDeleteThe wife smiling in her sleep as she vaguely hears her mother soundly applying the hairbrush to her nude husband's bottom, his chastisement still far from over--that's a terrific touch to end the story...
Hi JayJay, and thanks for the feedback.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed the story - I didn't expect many comments because I suspect not everyone likes this type of scenario, and for that reason I'll probably hold off on a sequel unless there's popular demand. I have to admit it's a favourite fantasy of mine, though. I had a particular girlfriend whose mother was quite a forthright lady, and more than once I imagined her spanking me while my girlfriend looked on and offered encouragement. What can I say? I'm kinky! :)
I think of Alice and Jim as being in their early twenties, and Alice's mother - it's Harriet, not Helen, but I know who you mean :) - to be about fifty. But as ever, you should fill in the gaps however you like!
Anon, for me the appeal is this idea that F/M domestic discipline might be 'just the way things are' within a given family. So the mindset, methods and implements are all passed down through the generations on the female side. In that situation, yes - you're as likely to have your bottom bared by your wife's mother as by her. Maybe the mothers take a leading role, gradually giving independence to their daughters like female cats teaching their kittens to hunt prey! :)
ReplyDeleteCrimson Kid - the Crimson Kid?! - I'm genuinely thrilled to see you here. I think you're the master of this kind of story, and I'm sure you can see your influence in this one.
ReplyDeleteIf you ever want me to illustrate one of your delicious tales, it would be my pleasure!
Hello Underling,
ReplyDeleteSorry for my error. I'm shocked to see that I used the name Helen instead of Harriet. That is such a freudian slip that I have amazed myself. Thanks again for your efforts on this blog. JayJay
JayJay - no sweat, my friend. Of course, now I'm curious to know about the mysterious Helen... :)
ReplyDeleteHello underling,
DeleteThis is spanked husband, Michael. I enjoy your blog but I surf the web and don't really remain. I like your artwork and if you would like to chat, I'm available. My mistress/ wife says it's ok., and that she is also available for comment if you so desire it.
Hello Underling,
ReplyDeleteTo satisfy your curiosity, Helen is in her 60's, single, and a friend of my wife. Helen is a very sexy woman with full high breasts , a tight ass, and a very authoritative attitude! She frequently wears t-shirts with no bra and skin tight jeans with a wide leather belt. She is the epitome of a strict older woman and I would just love to get my behind bared and spanked while she watched. Even better would be to be sent to her for some serious discipline, where she would take off her belt and use it on me. Pehaps someday.... JayJay
JayJay, that explains a lot. Helen sounds like she'd throw any F/M fan into a state of confusion! :)
ReplyDeleteVery hot story and one of my favorite drawings, ever.
Really good story, reminds me of spankings given to me by my step mother and step sister. My step mother would make me stand with my underpants pulled down with both of my step sister looking at my bare bottom. We would all stand there wait for mom. Then she would have me bend over with my legs spread and grab my ankles while she spanked me with a bread board. Then both of my step sisters would each get a turn. By the time they each got done giving 10 swats on both sides of my bare bottom for a total of 20 each my bare bottom was really sore. My step sister were the harder of the spankers.
ReplyDeleteBut I really enjoy your art work and even use it on my Blog "Spanked By Ma'am"
Thanks for the Fun, Rambo
A bit brutal if you ask me. As a real life spanked husband, it sounded like a terrifying story. Please consider that we ( spanked husbands ) are not all fantasy and that we read your blog too.
Njspank, thank you. I was pleased with the story and I do still like the drawing too, even though it was one of my earliest efforts. I think my technique has come on a little in the meantime, but I've seldom managed a better dynamic!
ReplyDeleteRambo, glad you liked my art enough to repost it. I must check out your blog!
Michael, thanks for your feedback and sorry that this is a little strong for you. It is hard to get the balance right, so I tend to write according to my own taste and try to emphasise that this blog exists for entertainment rather than as a commentary on the lifestyle. Many of my stories are quite harsh, but I do try to make a strong distinction between fantasy and reality and of course I recognise (and applaud!) the genuine affection and restraint that people use in real life D/s relationships. :)
Who was this story written by?
ReplyDeleteHello Anon. I wrote this story. Everything I post on this blog was created by me - it certainly slows things down, but it also keeps them simple! :)
DeleteMY mother spanked me all the way until three days before I was married in 1983, My future bride knew about them and even was in the house when I got one. My mother gave my bride a wonderful maple hairbrush as one of the wedding presents. My wife did not use it often and liked to send me back to my mother to be disciplined. I was over my mothers knee a lot. The marriage finally broke up when my wife decided that I preferred to misbehave and be over my mother knee. Maybe she was right. I moved back in with my mother and it continued and then some.
ReplyDeleteI have a great F/m spanking story. And it's a true story. Can I get it posted here?
ReplyDeleteAmazing story and site. As a husband who is taken over the knee for discipline and fun, I can attest that this is not too severe by a Longshot.