For the most part, it was a fairly conventional wedding. The promise of obedience, usually omitted from the modern day vows, might have raised a few eyebrows - especially as it was made by the groom - but it drew only approving nods from the female members of both families.
As the main part of the ceremony drew to a close, the Reverend Helen Green asked that children be escorted out of the church and driven ahead to the reception venue, while the remaining congregation turned to the backs of their service books. "These additional vows are not taken by all couples," she explained, "but I'm very pleased to see that they are gaining popularity."
Turning with a smile to the groom, she asked: "Peter, will you accept your wife's direction in all things? Will you patiently and without complaint submit to her discipline, however severe, and be always grateful for her loving correction?"
The young man's affirmation was loud and clear, although he could not quite keep a small tremor from his voice: "I will."
"Good boy," said the Reverend, prompting chuckles from the pews.
Addressing the bride, she asked: "Joanna, will you fulfill your wifely duty of teaching Peter right from wrong? Will you tirelessly and unflinchingly apply the rod of correction to encourage him along the righteous path?"
There was no tremor of uncertainty in the bride's response - in fact there was a distinct smile in her voice. "Oh, I will".
"Good for you," murmured the Reverend, with a wink, before once more turning to the assembled audience. "It only remains for Joanna and Peter to 'seal the deal', so to speak. Just as the exchanging of the rings symbolises their commitment of love, so this final little ritual demonstrates Peter's submission to female discipline within his marriage. Ladies?"
On cue, the two bridesmaids stepped forward and positioned Peter between them. Nimble fingers loosened his jacket buttons and his belt. Emma Mills had been in Peter's class at school and had not forgotten his relentless teasing - she firmly gripped his wrists behind him, and took the opportunity to whisper to him while Hannah Beale worked eagerly at his trousers. "Congratulations, Pete - you've got yourself exactly the woman you need. And I'm really pleased Hanna and I get to be first to hand over our present. It was the hardest, heaviest, stingiest one we could find." She leaned even closer, and Peter could feel her warm breath in his ear. "Ouchie", she said.
Hannah, after an unabashed peek into Peter's underwear, looked up with a grin. "Mmm. She's not done so badly herself, Em. I wouldn't mind spending my wedding night making use of this."
A few yards away, Reverend Green was presenting the matrimonial paddle, on its small blue cushion, to the waiting bride. "Good and hard, dear," she advised. "Start as you mean to go on. I should think six will be the right number - enough to keep your guests happy, but not so many as to keep them from their dinner. In any case," she said, "there's no need to overdo it today. You have the rest of your lives together."
Well done Underling! A delightful tale and a wonderful illustration, both of which capture the essence of romance inherent in female domination!! :-) Can't wait to hear about the honeymoon! ;-)
ReplyDeleteThanks, HMP. I probably should continue some of these stories - it'd help me improve the post count without making so much effort!
ReplyDeleteAs for the picture, Blogger's infamous image compression has done it no favours, as usual :). I'll upload an uncompressed version to the Spanking Art Wiki during the week so you can see it at its best. All my work ends up there eventually, but I like to give visitors here first view.
Thank you for posting the wonderful illustration and the accompanying story.
M_M, my pleasure - glad you enjoyed them. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed the story and look forward to you writing about the honeymoon.
Thanks, FD. Another vote for the honeymoon story, I see. But you haven't even heard about the rest of the wedding ceremony yet! ;)
ReplyDeleteGreat little story, as far as it goes. I agree that word and picture needs to be applied strongly to the reception, wedding night and honeymoon. Wish I had been as upfront on my wedding day. It would have saved a lot of explaining. Will you just look at the groom! Poor baby. His new life promises to be one of endless lessons and revelations. So it should be.
ReplyDeleteYou're a good boy Underling. Now get to work on the reception.
ReplyDeleteGreat story! And a fantstic drawing! I love the fact that the groom is being publicly stripped by his brides friends and in front of an audience. Its also great that the main authority figure[the Reverrend] is female.
ReplyDeleteI love the fact that the bride has a smug look of satisfaction .And that the women stripping the groom have sly smiles.And that the groom looks humiliated and humbled
I look forward to reading the rest of the wedding story. Like "Florida Dom" , i too , look forward to reading about the honeymoon.
For me , the perfect honeymoon would be staying at a rented beach house .Where my new wife could invite her female friends.They could relax and hang out togther while i waited on them hand and foot ,either naked or wearing only shorts and a small apron[or just a small apron]. Doing thier laundry,cooking,housework,ect.So that they could have plenty of free time to enjoy themselves.
And while i dont want to be cheated on or "cuckolded". I do like the idea of staying at a beach house and doing my new wife's and her girlfriend's laundry ,while they lay out on the beach and check out the bodies of "hunks" walking by.
I love the idea of a woman combining her Hen /Bachelorette Party with her honeymoon.And with the new husband doing all of the laundry and housework while the wife and her girlfriends have fun at the beach or go out on the town or even visit clubs featuring male strippers.
Or having him fetch her and her friends shoes/sandals when its time for them to go out . And removing them, on demand, when the women return
I love the idea of a woman being in charge of her husband and gleefully "rubbing it in". Not sadistic BSDM. But just a wife and her girlfriends gleefully having fun at a male [or males ] expense
I also like the idea that a wedding ceremony like the one depicted would "convert" other women to the "wife led Marriage" lifestyle. I can picture a normally shy woman saying to her own boyfriend /fiancee , "We should have a wedding like this!"
Hello Underling,
ReplyDeleteExcellent!!!! I love the strict female vicar. And, her name is Helen as well. Oh Thank you so much!!! I'm ready to join her congregation for sure. And I think I'll be attending services very regularly indeed. Nothing like a little fuel for my fantasies!!
Now just what will happen next? The main question for me is will this be bare bottom or will he be allowed the dignity of keeping the undies up? My guess is that Hannah will be pulling the pants and shorts right down to his ankles. I think Helen will insist that it be on the bare. After all, I think they want to get Joanna and Peter off to a good start.
Thanks again!! JayJay
Katlyn, thank you and welcome! The second of your comments made me come over a bit funny. Do you think you could drop by here and boss me around on a regular basis? :)
ReplyDeleteBOB, very glad you liked it. I promised you a wedding-themed picture ages ago and here it is, finally.
JayJay, with the kids safely out of the way I think we can assume that trousers and underwear are coming all the way down. Just as they will be 'from this day forward'! Regarding the name of the vicar, I tend to pluck them out of the air - but I think in this case your description of your wife's friend might have been a subconscious influence!
Oh, Katlyn, of course I also meant to say - yes, ma'am!
ReplyDeleteI've always greatly enjoyed wedding day stories with disciplinary brides and red-bottomed grooms.
ReplyDeleteThe illustration is diabolically delicious, especially the female priest's serene smile, the bride's smug expression as she grasps the paddle's handle, the one bridesmaid whispering in the groom's ear (and holding his arms) while the other one works on lowering his pants and briefs.
Somehow, he doesn't look nearly as pleased as IMHO he should--fantasywise anyway... --C.K.
CK, very glad this is to your taste.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the groom's expression, as you say the fantasy is delicious - but if I were about to be publically stripped and paddled in real life, I'd probably be looking similarly apprehensive :).
Underling, I love your stuff. Thanks for your comment on my recent blog. Regardless of the time, I have no doubt your drawing would be well worth waiting for. And, since I can't draw even stick fixtures, you may be my only hope.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the story and image; it took my breath away. The era of the Matriarchal marriage is upon us.
Great drawing, and description to imagine accompanying the drawing. I also vote for your continuing the story on the wedding night, and throughout the honeymoon.
ReplyDeleteWell Done!
ReplyDeleteFun story. I'm curious, is he locked in chastity already? I can only assume as much ;)
Reece, thank you. By the way, it's only recently that I made the connection between you and your blog - and noticed what a clever pun your Blogger name is :). What can I say? I'm slow... Anyway, I promise I will draw that picture for you at some point. But I'm not saying when. ;)
ReplyDeleteJohn, hi there. Took your breath away? That's one of the nicest compliments I've had for any of my work. Much appreciated.
Red, thank you. Always good to hear from you. Given the pressure, I think I am going to have to continue the story!
Aarkey, cheers. You know this isn't really a chastity site, but I will bow to your imagination ;).
Hm...if all weddings turned out this way, I might have to re-think my current opinion.
ReplyDeleteGood job, dear. ;)
i love the new picture. Please keep more coming
ReplyDeleteShannon, thanks. If only a mutual interest in FLR were all it took to make a successful marriage! :)
ReplyDeleteTommy, glad you like the picture. And yes, I will keep them coming!
Thanks for allowing me the creative liberty underling... and yah, I know this isn't a chastity blog - but when I am locked, I start to see the relevance everywhere ;)
ReplyDeletevery nice story. Here's my thoughts on it. The paddle would have LOVE and HONOUR on the sides in small letters and OBEY in large red letters in the middle of the paddle I would have the groom be placed into a spanking stool and strapped in. The groom would be in a private room off to the side of the reception area. The bride would announce that if any ladies in the audience had any bad dealings with her groom they could come forward and dish out retributuion with this paddle. The bridesmaid would wisper into the groom's ear Boy are you going to SORRY and SORE after I get done with you. She would give him a fast hard dose of the paddle whilst the groom howled and screamed. The other ladies would each walk up and deliver 3 swats saying love SWAT honour SWAT and OBEY SWAT!!!!. The bride would get her groom after all the ladies were done with the groom wispering into his ear Dear it looks like you got a head start on your TAN and we aren't in Hawaii yet whilst she swats his BARE BOTTOM with her hand making the groom snap his head and wince out in pain!!!
ReplyDeleteI had imagined a scenario at the reception where instead of the traditional throwing of the garter and bouquet, All the single guys would rather reluctantly line up to catch the groom's underpants, (or panties?) which would have been ceremoniously removed while he was over the bride's knee at the center of the dance floor, then thrown over his shoulder by the blushing and bare bottomed groom. Then all single ladies present would line up excitedly to catch a bundle of switches tossed by the laughing bride. After that, the lucky girl who caught the switches would give a few playful strokes to the unveiled rear of the guy who caught the undies.
DeleteAlso a very nice extension to the fantasy, hubert. And presumably such activities could lead to another couple getting together and another femdom wedding, and so on!
DeleteI always think it's my job to provide a trigger for the imagination of the viewer or reader. So much of what we get out of these things is really what we bring to them ourselves. There have been many times I've looked at an erotic drawing and instantly conjured up my own delicious scenario around it. Long may our imaginations run riot!
Aarkey, after re-reading my story I could totally see where you got the chastity thing from. It just hadn't occurred to me while I was writing it.
ReplyDeleteWhen Hannah looks into the groom's underwear and likes what she sees, I meant in the sense that Peter is well endowed. But it could equally have meant that the bride had been busy with toys!
Anon, I loved that - especially the paddle idea. Love, honour and OBEY indeed. Nice one! My follow up story is actually already half written. Hopefully you'll enjoy it.
A brilliant and provocative piece of art. Thank you!
John, thanks very much. I can only draw what works for me, and hope it strikes a chord with others. Glad in your case that it does.
ReplyDeleteTo have a sworn commitment raises the excitement immensely. i will read on!
ReplyDeleteMysster, cheers. Glad you enjoyed part two as well.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the Germans have a word for a picture that almost appears to move because the narrative is so strong that it forces your mind to create a little movie. Der picturemovenstorydriven... Anyway, your pictures contain a whole heapin' helpin' of that picturemovenstorydriven. Especially this one...it's just so apparent what is going to happen next, and next, and next...
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah. And thanks for posting gigantic-sized prints. Bigger is most definitely much better than smaller when it comes to pics. Let all internet posters heed my words...
ReplyDeleteGreat story and picture. I would've added another picture of the groom with his pants down and his bare bottom getting swatted with the bride's paddle in front of the church full of people while the bridesmaids watched gleefully... A wonderful idea!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Anon. There are lots of pictures I'd add if I had enough time, including the one you describe. Sadly we have to compromise - if I revisit this happy couple at all, it'll probably be to extend the story rather than than to create a new drawing. We still haven't found out what happened at the reception!
DeleteFeel free to use my idea.
DeleteGreat job, as always. markiee
ReplyDeleteThank you, markiee! This is a pretty old post now, but it's nice to see it still attractig the occasional comment.
DeleteLooking at Helen Green, I would happily confess my sins to her. And as part of getting penance she will, of course, use her paddle on my sinful body.
ReplyDeleteThe reverend will see you now, S. And she won't be 'sparing the rod!'
DeleteI would consider myself very lucky to be actively humiliatingly "outted" as the submissive in the relationship in front of an audience who witnessed my humiliation and the fact that I need the same punishments I got when I was growing up...
ReplyDeletelove this
ReplyDeleteThank you, Annabelle! :)
Deletehot short story!!! Nice little twist
ReplyDeleteThanks again, Annabelle! :)