Zero Tolerance
Fanta City, 2019. In the six years since its inception, the metropolis's now largest police department, F3M - popularly known as FemForce - had amassed an impressive record of success. Staffed exclusively by female officers, its origins lay in a 2013 initiative of recruiting and training all-women teams to defuse hostage and domestic violence situations. When not negotiating with criminals, the department had toured schools and colleges educating the city's youth about the perils of crime. 'Let's talk' had been its oft-derided motto, with firearms being rejected in favour of a less lethal combination of baton and extensive body armour for protection.
Meanwhile, massive budget cuts reduced traditional policing to a minimum.

F3M's original ethos was short lived: it turned out that the city's criminals were not open to reason. A more robust approach was called for, and with a track record of innovation FemForce was moved up to spearhead it.
The department's autonomy allowed it to evolve at a remarkable rate, unfettered by bureaucracy. Within three years it had outgrown its 'softly, softly' legacy and developed a fearsome reputation for zero-tolerance - some said outright ruthless - policing.
The standard-issue baton became the 'shock stick' with the addition of a cattle prod-like function, and many officers also began to carry a shortened version of the judicial cane recently introduced into men's prisons.
Over time reports began to emerge of summary corporal punishment being administered, often in front of bystanders, for petty offences like littering. Meanwhile it became routine for those arrested for more serious crimes to be publically stripped - 'to check for weapons' - before being cuffed, caned and escorted naked into the waiting police trucks; and, particularly in cases where female victims had been involved, those same trucks were taking ever longer routes back to the station.

Eventually the city mayor announced an investigation into F3M's methods, declaring them 'wholly unacceptable', but by then it was too late - the citizens, tired of rampant criminality, had already taken the new FemForce to their hearts thanks to its winning combination of efficiency, glamour and legendary exploits.
In 2017, the department's reputation had been cemented in the public consciousness by a TV news report on the apprehension of a suspected serial sex attacker. On hearing the distinctive banshee wail of F3M's sirens, the man had fled the scene and squeezed himself several feet into the end of a sewer pipe where, stuck fast and regularly doused in effluent, he had repeatedly offered a full confession in return for being allowed to give himself up to male officers. No such concession was made, and in fact it emerged later that Captain Helen Petersen had seen fit not to forward the request: her girls had worked hard to chase down their quarry, and she was not about to disappoint them by handing him over to another section.
Following a seven-hour standoff, the suspect had finally relented and let himself be extracted, stripped, hosed down and disciplined for wasting police time. His confession had come anyway, of course, so he could have saved everyone a lot of trouble - or so remarked Sargeant Lucy Wells to the assembled onlookers before she went on to administer the final 20 strokes to the man's already ravaged behind.
Rumour had it that there had followed a brief debate about who was to ride with the nude and chastened prisoner on the way to the police station, but this was unnecessary. Remarkably, once he was secured it turned out there was still enough room for a total of eight policewomen to accompany him in the back of the truck.
Perhaps it was the ensuing commotion that distracted the driver and caused her to make a series of mysterious wrong turns. It took the vehicle a full two hours to arrive at its destination.
Well it will turn full circle.Once they society is fully Matriarchal they will be back to putting a gentle warning hand on the behinds of slightly unruly males and perhaps the odd matronly spanking.
Super fantasy!!!
ReplyDeleteCertainly hope you introduce strong elements of sex-role 're-orientation' to these atavistic males that includes feminization as both punishment and insurance they shall never darken the doorstep of Womankind ever again with their archaic and forceful behavior that is so unacceptable to Female Masters in the 21st Century and beyond.
The science is in! All discussion as to the efficacy of the F3M Force has been shelved and it is now full-speed-ahead for the program. Cities all over the world are showing great interest in the progress that has been shown here.
ReplyDeleteIts a bit like the early Victorian age where you can be hung for a myriad of different crimes.Except that you are punished on the spot in the van or taken to the MRC Male Re Education Centre.
ReplyDeleteThe crime rate might be the same but when you can be arrested for erecting in public or for being uppity or surly then the goal posts have deffinetly moved.
In Fanta City, where the spanking has reemerged as standard correction for wayward males, life has settled into a happy pace. Women of all ages have adapted to the New Way with great enthusiasm, and paddle sales are booming. As are fashionably short, nine-inch kilts, knee socks and white blouses for males, and modified, light weight knockoffs of F3M uniforms for women. Good behavior has become the hallmark of the once unruly city. All is well.
ReplyDeleteHi Underling:
ReplyDeleteVery imaginative and extremely well written! I can already imagine a plethora of spin off short stories including one titled; "caned for littering!" As always your femdom artwork is wonderful! :-)
Femsup, I guess you're right. But until that happens, they'll have to keep the severity level up! And as I said while the real-world Underling hates the idea of summary punishment like this, as a fantasy the notion of these women walking around with carte blanche to dish it out is very appealing.
ReplyDeleteWhyguys, glad you liked it. I think I may develop this a bit further. I had thought about a comic strip, but that's a little daunting.
OTTO, I agree - there's not a moment to lose!
Katlyn, what a delicious elaboration. Kilts, blouses and knee socks indeed. I'm sure the guys will get used to them.
HMP, thanks. I'd love to develop this further. But you know me, so many loose ends... :)
Its about society feeling safe and comfortable.The males know the rules and know what wil happen if they break them.They like the boundaries set by the Ladies.If they choose to transgress then they know the consequences.
ReplyDeleteI too am opposed in real life to dictatorial regimes.But this is fantasy.But what a nice reality though.A caring controlling Womankind making sure all are safe and able to live in a peacable freindly society.
Its good for the males.They now do not need to act tough with one another but try and out do each other with service to women.
The Women have a society where there is little or bo male violence and an outlet for them to spank temporarily naughty males.Males who just need a bit of guidance and a show of resolution that their wellbeing and good conduct is equally and lovingly enforced.
Try viewing trinket 999's blog.Here too is a benevolent Matriarchy where the power imbalance is quite rightly on the side of teh Women.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, Underling. I love your work; keep producing. See you next year.
ReplyDeleteWell, the "shock stick" sounds familiar, in the movie "Demolition Man" something like it is the main weapon of a supposedly more civilized police force.
ReplyDeleteThis is an intiguing fantasy, but being publicly caned by a 'F3M FORCE' (Did you borrow that spelling idea from the TV program "NUMB3RS"?) officer for littering, that's rather extreme. (Okay, it might be an enlightening experience just once.)
Of course, a police force with almost no external supervision or accountability, that's point-blank looking for the development of an authoritarian entity in the long run. Us guys could eventually end up sporting striped seats merely for looking a female in the eye on the street... --C.K.
Femsup, I'd never come across trinket999's work before, so thanks for the link - really intriguing stuff, and so well done! He writes excellently, too.
ReplyDeleteOTTO, thanks and Happy New Year to you too. I felt a bit of a scrooge not doing the rounds of my favourite blogs with a Christmas message, but you know how it is what with the shopping, the wrapping, the cooking, the drinking...
CK, I probably stole both the 'shock stick' and the 'F3M Force' idea from elsewhere. The former caused me some soul searching because of course similar devices are used by real-life brutal regimes. Still, there's a lot of stuff my women get up to that wouldn't be acceptable in the real world! As to the caning for littering: aw, c'mon, it's only a couple of strokes and it helps to keep the high street clean ;).
One of my favorites. People adjust to what works and give power to those who are effective. If they see something that works they will support it, even if it would once be considered to aggressive or dictatorial.
ReplyDeleteEven men who would be at first apprehensive by such an approach would see how it works. At first not worry about themselves thinking they aren't engaged in that type of criminal behavior. But has time goes on and F3M gets more ingrained into society and enforces their ideals more even the average men finds himself occasional face to face with the cane for minor infractions.
But by then it has become part of society and many men accept the new way of life, some even promoting it saying it is better than it once was. Time travels on and you find only a few that might protest. Others simply accept it and go on with life.
"You'd think I would mind it or hate or try to have it stopped. But you have to admit society is operating much more efficiently. Crime is down, the city is cleaner, we are more productive. Sure I have been stopped and cited for a few violations from time to time. Haven't liked it even complained at times. But they are efficient. There is no getting a ticket, going to court, dealing with that type of thing. For most minor infractions like littering, public rudeness, inappropriate behavior, it can be taken care of right then and there. A public caning and then it is over, you go on with your life. I admit I did hesitate a bit when I started seeing it carry over into the work place and home life. But once again it has proved itself effective in making things run more smoothly. I have realized things have run better at home with my wife in charge. And while I hated seeing my female assistant being promoted into my position the productive of both me and my the company has greatly improved. I know people are complaining about the new dress code laws for males, but once again it goes to the efficiency of the system. I do feel though my be a lot sorer at times my life is better off."
kujhawker, glad you liked this so much since on the whole it didn't seem so popular. And nice work extending the fantasy!
DeleteHi Underling (an inmate of one of the new F3M run prison writes)
ReplyDeleteMy supervising officer is allowing me this writing time to explain how efficient the new prison system is.Prisons are all now run by female officers as they are the best for keeping offenders in line.Iam am serving five years for embezzlemet and prison has been the making of me!Us inmate wears the stabdard issue of pink kilts, blouses, white socks and white plimsolls and spend our days working in the laundry, kitchen or scrubbing the floors so criminal, macho thoughts are eRased firmly from our mind. For flouting the numerous strict rules, spankings in front of the whole prison are given and minor inftractions are punished by line writing and extra compulsory PT.Sex offenders are the prison bitches and are the lowest off the low here.
Criminals are now completely of the streets and safely locked away. All I needed was some female direction and guidsance..)
Nice work, Prisoner X! :) I believe there's already at least one American prison where inmates have been forced to wear pink uniforms, so your fantasy isn't too far-fetched.
DeleteWelcome to the blog. I hope there's plenty here that you'l enjoy.
Thanks for writing!
Thanks Underling -I love the blog and will be a regular visitor here. Better back to washing our pink uniforms now..)
ReplyDeleteLike Mr X, I am inmate in one of Femforce's facilities but this one in in England. About 1200 of us are locked away in this facility to keep society safe from us while we undergo our sentences. We have to wear pink jogging bottoms and pink tops. Mind you, I had to take mine off within the first few days so that I could receive my "Reception Caning" - something all inmates must undergo in the first week of their time here. Put it this way, I slept on my stomach that night.
ReplyDeleteI can also vouch for that nasty black looking rod marked "Danger". It only has a danger for inmates who break any rule. I have felt it a couple of times and it certainly caught my attention. They always seem to aim for the same parts of our bodies for some reason!!!
Oh dear, Steve - sounds like they are giving you a tough time in there. Still, you must have been a bad boy to have found yourself in Femforce's less-than-tender care, so I suggest you keep your head down and your nose clean while you serve out your sentence. Of course if the warders find out about your illicit internet connection, things are going to get a whole lot worse for you!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYou are so right. I have been given special permission to post this as a warning to others.
ReplyDeleteI was caught and I now have to start my 6 month training all over again. That meant going through my "reception caning" again, but this time it was 18 strokes.
This is all my own fault of course and I hope that this will be a warning to other men that FemForce means business! I know that the 3 women I hassled in the pub that night I was caught being drunk and disorderly will be happy to know that I am safely locked away for another 6 months and that I had to undergo another reception caning.
Hi Underling and Steve
ReplyDeleteI'm back here too forfailiure to report to the FemForce police station to do my community service floor scrubbing im getting quite used to wearig the pink uniform abd white plimsolls though and never get bored here with hard work and regular caning.
Hello Mr X. Which branch are you being held at? I am in my final few weeks at one of the centres in the North of England. I am allowed to use the computer to look for jobs so that I can lead an honest life after my release and pay compensation to the women I hassled!
ReplyDeleteHello Steve I am being held in one of the Souhtern centres.It's my second time so I'll be here longer. I've had my inception caning.I'm allowed to post as a warning to other males who might be tempted to break the law.I have to run for my compulsory PT abd cleaning duties wth the other inmates. WE'll probably get menial jobs constantly supervised my strict women when we get out.
ReplyDelete"'am standing to attention, ma'am"
Hello Mr X, Sorry to see that you have been sent there again. How much longer have you got? What was the inception caning like for a second offender? Mine was 18 strokes when I had to start my course all over again.
ReplyDeleteI experienced the prod again last night for insubordination to one of the female offices. I really should have known better!
Hello Steve,
ReplyDeleteI'm here for another 6 months to 1 year depending on my "attitude adjustment" It was a serious infraction of the rules for me not to turn up to my community service (so other males could see what offenders end up doing and passing women could give me instructions like "That bit isn't clean enough".
The 24 strokes in front of the assembled inmates was very hard and of course I'm back to stage 1 of the course "(re-eductaton classes, PT, and laundry duties scrubbing dirty uniforms) ."No ma'am, I don't wat the prod so will wear the pink pinafore with the label "reoffender" at all times along with my standard uniform!
Yes, having to start all over again was a real blow! Quite literally as I had to go through the Inception Caning again. I am out now but am certainly going to do everything I can not to go back any time soon! I hope you have avoided a repeat trip to the caning room!
ReplyDeleteI am being monitored for "insolence" right now.
ReplyDelete"Yes, ma'am I will accompany you to the caning room"...
Stay strong, brother. You can get through it!
ReplyDeleteI will, brother."Yse, ma'am my way to compulsory PT"
ReplyDeleteI must admit that the bright pink uniforms and plimsolls we were are vety comfortal though (and fitting our lowly status as offenders, ma'am"
ReplyDeleteYes, the only time i was not in my bright pink uniform was when I was in the shower, in bed ... oh and getting my reception caning!!!
ReplyDeleteSame I hope I won't be out of uniform any time soon!
ReplyDeleteSo, did you get through the week without another visit to the Caning Room?
ReplyDeleteI have been on my best behaviour this week althiugh i am still on report for "insolence" a couple of wees ago, I am on report and my supervisor is marking me on attitude,behaviour and appearance each day."Just reporting for PT, ma'am"
ReplyDeleteHaha! well done!! :-)
ReplyDeleteTrying to be a model inmate..)
ReplyDeleteHave you managed to avoid the cane?
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid i have been put back to the start of the programe including reception caning as i was late for 5am PT and wasn't wearig the correct plimsolls,
ReplyDeleteCrime and disobeyng prison rules do not pay!
That sucks! You were so near to the end of the programme too!! How many strokes this time?
ReplyDeleteA punitive 15 this time! Lots of humble cons seem to be committig infractions. I think the offiers want to make examples of us.In future I will be standing at my bunk at 4.55 every morning and will mae sure it's white lace up pilmsolls for standard wear, black slip on for PT