Men, huh? Can't live with 'em. Can't strip 'em and spank 'em. Well actually, you CAN, in this little corner of cyberspace. Around here, fully grown males are at constant risk of humiliating bare bottomed correction - hence the 'humblings' of the title.
I love the fact that the paddle has the symbol for the female gender on it.Great detail!
ReplyDeleteWhy be surprised that your blog and artwork is gaining recognition? You know how quickly some spanking art gets passed around and around in the same circles...and it's the good stuff that thrives.
ReplyDeleteAnd you, dear, produce some of the GOOD stuff. ;)
Well, as a matter of fact I AM browsing at work, and your joke about the Grenadians made me snort audibly! Great animation - I love it!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on all the hits. You deserve them.
Hello Underling,
ReplyDeleteThree well hung bad boys getting it together. NICE!!!! Congratulations on the milestone.
I'm thinking that the paddle has been charmed by a very beautiful, but strict sorceress, and that she's just sitting back watching their little behinds roast under it's touch.
Now, what would be the correct charm to put on a paddle to make it spank like that?
Thanks again....JayJay
Best wishes to you for a Happy and healthy new year. Congratulations on hitting 100,000 so quickly. Glad you are posting more of your great pictures more often. Now get back to work because you have yet to post any new ones in 2011.
Thanks, BOB. Glad you like it. Adding the female gender symbol was a last minute inspiration, to give some personality to that disembodied paddle!
ReplyDeleteShannon, you're very kind. I was more surprised that I'd actually made the move to put stuff out there at all! In terms of quality, I do ok and I'm getting better - and I've had so much encouragement from people's comments. But when I look at how much more accomplished some other spanko artists are, I'm torn between inspiration and desolation :).
Hermione, hi and thanks. I hope no Grenadians were offended in the making of my post. Of course in reality most of my traffic (about two thirds, I think) originates all over North America. No matter what time I post, I never expect too many comments until your continent gets out of bed :).
ReplyDeleteJayJay, I was thinking my animation does have a touch of The Sorceror(ess)'s Apprentice about it, although I doubt Disney will be calling to offer me work any time soon. Maybe the paddle has been charmed, but more likely it was just animated by a lazy blogger who couldn't face having to draw the woman wielding it. Actually, the real reason is that another character would have blocked our view of the all-important number being imprinted on those poor young men's behinds. There, I knew I had a good excuse!
ReplyDeleteAs for the charm that would make a paddle behave in that way, I dunno. 'Paddlacadabra', maybe. It'd be great if you could do it. Imagine the benefit to self-spankers!
You know what I'd love to do? Have this animation permanently at the top of the page, swatting out the actual visitor count in real time. Sadly, it's beyond my technical know-how.
Red, thanks, my friend. No need to be such a slave driver though. I'm only a few minutes into the New Year, and yours hasn't even started yet :p.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on you 100,000 hit. You definitely deserve the recognition.
It is amazing how many of us are out there. You will be celebrating futher milestones in the future and will be amazed at each one.
We are proud to be sharing the same blog space as you and so many others, too.
Ken and Cora
Lol.....that animation is brilliant! - I could watch it all day!
ReplyDeleteBelated Christmas greetings and a Happy New Year to you. I look forward to more of your unique spankography in the coming year.
Ken and Cora, thank you and a Happy New Year to you. I look forward to spending 2011 doing the rounds of the great blogs, including yours.
ReplyDeleteB-P: hypnotic, isn't it? :) Happy New Year to you too.